August 5, 2020
Update (2:20 PM August 10)
The OPP plan on moving in on the terrorists any hour now. The Police have not made a public statement on the exact time of the raid, but sources close to the scene say armoured vehicle are rolling by a neighbouring town.
Toronto Today has received exclusive footage of a half-baked “solidarity protest” in Toronto. A fire was maintained on the sidewalk beside the Toronto Police Headquarters today and yesterday. Additionally, Anarchists made racist and defamatory remarks to Police when asked to leave by officers.
Update (8:46 August 9)
Toronto Today has received reports the OPP is planning on dismantling the terrorists’ blockades tomorrow, or shortly thereafter. Please note that groups like Real People’s Media will try to spin this around to their advantage. It should be noted this group is comprised of terrorists linked to Antifa, and not affiliated with the Six Nations community.
The Six Nations leadership released this statement in regards to the illegal blockades. Essentially, leadership is stating the terrorists have no claim to their illegal actions, and are merely a thorn in the side of forward movement.
This statement was released before the terrorist actions began, but their position has remain unchanged.
Update (8:17 PM August 9)
Residents of Caledonia continue to express frustration at the OPP for not doing its job and shutting down the terrorists’ illegal blockades. Neither the Canadian Forces nor the OPP have made a move since the arrest of militants on August 5. It appears the police are trying to de-escalate the situation. They are asking the terrorists to surrender voluntarily. If not, either the Police or Military will have to move in. Many Canadians are asking for the latter.
Update (6:10 AM August 9)
The blockade is still active on Highway 6 near Caledonia, while people are continuing calls on Social Media and near the scene for the OPP to step in and enforce the injunctions. The actions of the terrorists do not represent the majority of the community, and the movement is being piggybacked by outside agitators, looking to increase their viewership or collect donations.
There is a small group of people trying to spread disinformation about the identities of the terrorists, or twist facts about the nature of this attack. The truth is, the majority of people in Southern Ontario are fed up and want peace restored as soon as possible.
Update (9:05 PM August 8)
Residents of Caledonia are growing impatient with the terrorists’ actions, and are pleading with the OPP to shut down the illegal blockade. Despite having a valid injunction, police are trying to de-escalate the situation without resorting to force or calling the military.
This is a test of patience for the innocent residents of Caledonia, who did nothing to be dragged into this mess. It is unclear how long area residents will be able to remain patient. The terror group remains hostile towards the police, and is unclear on what its demands are. Some sources say it is just looking to incite another cross-country movement, without a care for the damage it causes to civilians.
Update (2:20 PM August 8)
The terrorists are continuing their assault on the CN rails near Caledonia. Multiple pallets have been burned on the train tracks, and the whereabouts of the train driver is still in question. Due to lack of an official statement by Police, it is likely he was transferred out of the area safely.
The terror group has refused to abide by the court injunction, despite multiple warnings from the OPP and the continued presence of helicopters. It won’t leave the area or end the blockades. In response to this, many Canadians are asking for the military to get involved.
A link between the terror group and special interest group - Hamilton 350 - has been confirmed. It is not uncommon for outside agitators to interfere with local politics in situations like this. Despite labelling itself as a group designed to help with climate change awareness, it saw fit to lend a hand in allowing a rogue group of militants to instill chaos for the people of Caledonia.
Hamilton 350 appears to be more interested in helping terrorists buy gasoline than it is in raising awareness on climate change. It goes without saying that burning tires, construction equipment, and cars is bad for the environment. This blatant disrespect for the community and the environment calls the true intentions of this group into question.
Update (1:09 PM August 8)
Terrorists continue to intimidate area residents by burning stolen tires near Highway 6. A police helicopter was seen keeping watch of the area while the terror group proceeded to destroy property. The group has also impeded access to the fire department, and has thrown rocks at them when they tried to gain access to the site.
The above video was filmed by Real People’s Media. This is a shadowy agency, run by a convicted sex offender - Darryl Richardson. It is also worth pointing out that Darryl Richardson is neither Indigenous, nor is he a stakeholder in any of the “protests” that he has participated in.
Real People’s Media was banned from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory - near Belleville - for this reason. This “media” group often provokes conflicts between opposing parties on Reserves with the sole intention of recording footage. It has been connected to multiple acts of terror, and intimidation and thus has been banned from numerous Reserves in Ontario.
Real People’s Media was involved in planning and coordinating the blockades in Tyendinaga earlier in the year, despite not living in the area, or having consent from the community. Once it was discovered one of the owners was a registered sex offender, the community officially ordered him and his co-worker to never return. The “solidarity camp” was also ordered down at that time.
Update (12:41 PM August 8)
The terrorists and their social media sympathizers continue to threaten Canadian Police officers. The group is ready to use violence if the police try to enforce the injunction that was legally granted yesterday. Sources close to the scene have confirmed the group’s violent intentions.
The terrorists plan on burning another car, which has been flipped over and placed near some tires at the front of the blockade. This act of intimidation is addition to the multiple pieces of private property the group has destroyed, most belonging to the construction company, or area residents unrelated to the incident. Despite police keeping a close eye on the group, the terrorists appear undaunted and appear to be shooting for an escalation.
Update (5:26 AM August 8)
The terrorists continue to hold Highway 6 near Caledonia. This is the 3rd day of the group’s illegal blockade of both the highway and the railway. The safety of the train engineer is still unknown, but he was likely let go at an earlier time.
Supporters of the terrorists mocked the situation on Social Media, as if this were some kind of joke, and not a real life terror attack. Police are monitoring social media accounts linked to the terrorists closely, according to a source.
The terror group continues to light property on fire, as an act of intimidation against the OPP and area residents. Many of which are asking for the military to be called in.
Fortunately, yesterday Superior Court Justice John Harper ordered the bad actors to stop invading the property development and stop blocking local roads. He issued 2 orders, 1 for the illegal highway blockade and 1 for the illegal invasion of a construction site. The CN rail injunction is still in the works.
Due to the violent nature of these extremists, it is unclear whether heavily armed OPP will serve the injunction, or if the military will be called in to break down the insurgency.
It is possible the group may do the right thing, and set down their illegal blockades and turn themselves in to the police.
Update (2:23 PM August 7)
Mayor Ken Hewitt of Haldimand County joined Doug Ford in condemning the terrorists’ actions on Highway 6. He stated both the City and CN would be applying for injunctions to end the illegal rail and highway blockade. The OPP would enforce those injunctions. It is important to note, the Mayor did not make any reference to the military in his latest press release. However, he did threaten to use to full weight of the court system on terrorists.
I will NOT work with and or support anyone who thinks that acts of civil disobedience are an appropriate way to make their point. I will push for the OPP to apply the injunctions on those breaking the judge’s orders and I will look to our judicial system to apply the law on those that so just deserve it.
Source: Mayor Ken Hewitt
The Mayor echoed Premier Doug Ford by saying “enough is enough”. The militants only represent a small and loud group, and work outside of the wishes of their community. Some of the terrorists are outsiders, without any connection to Six Nations. He believes the terrorists are doing more harm than good, and hopes the police and court system will adequately address the situation. It is unclear whether terrorism charges will be laid for the politically-motivated violence the group has unleashed.
Update (6:00 AM August 7)
The Antifa-linked terrorists continue to hold Highway 6 between Greens Road and Haldimand Line. The police were seen running in the direction of the insurgency with assault weapons last night, but it is not clear what happened after, or if anybody was shot or arrested.
Media is not allowed on scene due to the risk of violence from extremists. It appears the mainstream media is trying to downplay the seriousness of this situation, possibly in an effort to de-escalate.
Residents of Hamilton and Caledonia are making continued calls on social media to send in the army. Many area residents share the sentiment these people are not “protesters”, but terrorists, and should be faced with a military response.
Update (7:48 PM August 6)
Police were seen moving towards the site of the terrorists with assault weapons drawn. It appears a raid on the insurgent site will be happening soon. Caledonia residents are advised to stay clear of the area.
Update: (2:06 PM August 6)
Ontario Premier Doug Ford denounced yesterday’s act of terror on Highway 6. He called the terrorists’ actions “unacceptable”.
Doug Ford called the actions of the militants disturbing in a press conference, and pointed out how the terrorists threw rocks at both the Police and the Fire Department. He said the actions of these people is unfair to the innocent victims. He reminded people this is only a small group, and not representative of the community. He also reminded viewers, this is “one country with one law”.
He condemned the militants for dumping human waste on Police Officers from the top of a bridge. Considering the risk of spreading COVID, this was particularly dangerous. It is not known whether the Police Officers on scene were infected, or whether any additional charges will be laid for this biological attack.
Update: (10:35 AM August 6)
Despite comments that the terrorists represent the interests of the community, the Elected Chiefs, the band council, and community of the Six Nations have condemned this recent act of terror.
The well-being of the train engineer that had his train line hijacked by militants is still unknown. Due to lack of media reports or lack of police reports, the train engineer was likely aloud to leave at a certain point. According to the OPP, the “demonstration” is still ongoing and road closures remain in place.
Highway 6 in Caledonia is closed between Fourth Line and Greens Road. Argyle Street is closed between Highway 6 and Braemar Avenue. Police are reminding people to exercise caution in the area until police can control the situation.
The connection between the terrorists and Antifa has also been confirmed. An Antifa controlled account recently stated,
“Solidarity with our siblings who have been arrested. Our friends and accomplices are being targeted by police.”
Source: Antifa Toronto Spokesperson
Update: (9:00 PM)
The terrorists have blocked a train near Highway 6. There have been conflicting reports of whether the train driver was held hostage, or was let go shortly after his line was hijacked. This is the next escalation in events after Antifa’s “declaration of war” against the Canadian government.
Many Canadians are taking to social media to express frustrations with the police, and some are even suggesting sending in the military.
Original Article
Terrorists have a lit a massive tire fire on Highway 6 today, in what has been described as “declaration of war” against the Canadian government. A car was also lit on fire down the street from the blockade. This comes after militants suspected to be linked to Antifa were removed from a construction site yesterday in Caledonia. During their removal by OPP officers, militants threw rocks at the police, and allegedly lit an excavator on fire.
There have been concerns raised that Antifa members are posing as Indigenous people, to commit acts of terror and incite mayhem. It is important to distinguish between real Indigenous people, and dangerous anarchists piggy-backing an otherwise legitimate movement. These “protest” groups often ask for donations, so there is a financial incentive for people to misrepresent themselves.
The group behind this act of terror is currently asking for donations, which is suspicious, and brings its true intentions into question.
Those blocking highways and railways, are terrorists. The army should be called in to deal with them.
Naming aboriginal protesters, even when they get violent, as terrorists is a poor move and ignorant. If you are not careful they will become freedom fighters against the government that stole their land. You can’t win. And the idiot reporter labelling them as Antifa when Antifa only issued a public statement in support. Next the local restaurant that supplied takeout will be labelled as terrorist and Antifa.
First of all, I’m not referring to the Indigenous or Aboriginal Protesters as terrorists. The people who decided to block the highway, light tires and vehicles on fire, and stop a train, are terrorists.
‘Red Panther’ …
Oh yes you are labeling Indigenous people as “terrorists”, Haudenosaunee Six Nations Confederacy people, in particular, who are stopping the construction of a Caledonia housing development that encroaches too close to their community.
Your article is virulent racist pig slop.
No, I have respect for Indigenous people and acknowledge their issues. However, the community and its leadership did not consent to this. A small group of militant activists does not get to speak for the majority, especially using violence and intimidation. It gives a bad name to their cause and hurts innocent people. You can justify it however you want, I’m just calling a spade a spade. These “protesters” regardless of their race or banner, are acting like terrorists, and should be dealt with accordingly.
What the hell are “heavy assault weapons.”???? I really wish journalism was still alive and well..egad.
Those scary black Patrol Carbines.
The colour, race, creed, or orientation of those taking these actions, not just against the gov’t of the day but against Canadian society in general, are entirely irrelevant. Anyone who has to put a colour etc in front of those responsible is the real racist.
Frankly, such actions are criminal and deserve vigorous response. With extreme prejudice. Enough is enough.
Leave the military out of this. The military does not have NOR should they have authority in this matter. Police need to sort their own s#$t out, as well as, the local government. Canada does not need an OKA 2.0… Whomever, these idiots are, organized under whatever banner, need to be put down and peace restored immediately; this is the police department’s job NOT the military.
Everyone is an Antifa terrorist! I’m so scared of everything! please save me military! This used to be a nice Christian nation!
‘There have been concerns raised that Antifa members are posing as Indigenous people’.., to commit acts of terror and incite mayhem.
My question is, CANT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE BE ANTIFA? LOL, why exactly would Antifa have to POSE as indigenous people? Lol. Antifa terrorists come in every race, its not a race specific terrorist group.
Antifa are the fascists, dont let the name fool you, they are in every western country that will put up with them, they are highly organized. Seems to me Canada is going to go through the same riots and destruction as America is going through, Seattle is going into its 3rd month. In every Democrat run state Antifa is out of control extorting money from businesses, going into neighborhoods and terrorizing and shooting innocent people… while media continues to call them PEACEFUL PROTESTERS!!
Canada better get it together and shut down all of these groups the second they start to get destructive or violent or we will have the exact same problem as the U.S, and thats why they are hoping for.
‘There have been concerns raised that Antifa members are posing as Indigenous people’.., to commit acts of terror and incite mayhem.
My question is, CANT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE BE ANTIFA? LOL, why exactly would Antifa have to POSE as indigenous people? Lol. Antifa terrorists come in every race, its not a race specific terrorist group.
Antifa are the fascists, dont let the name fool you, they are in every western country that will put up with them, they are highly organized. Seems to me Canada is going to go through the same riots and destruction as America is going through, Seattle is going into its 3rd month. In every Democrat run state Antifa is out of control extorting money from businesses, going into neighborhoods and terrorizing and shooting innocent people… while media continues to call them PEACEFUL PROTESTERS!!
Canada better get it together and shut down all of these groups the second they start to get destructive or violent or we will have the exact same problem as the U.S, and thats what they are hoping for.
Cut the welfare checks of any of them forever.
It is terrorism, the people doing these things are terrorists and calling them terrorists is not calling all natives terrorists. Humanity needs to grow up and realize that we share this world, the ones that go against humanity and cause harm to our society should be dealt with swiftly.
As a white man if I were to do the same things I would have been put in jail by now or shot. Sad world we live in, thought the 21st century would see man kind rise to a better way of life.